Start of Day:
- Fill Ultrasonic Cleaner with water and ultrasonic solution.
- Degas the solution by running the ultrasonic cleaner for 5 minutes, prior to the first cleaning cycle.
- Make sure that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is worn - gloves, eyewear and mask.
- Visually inspect instruments for damage, dulling, etc.
- Place loose instruments in cleaning basket. No more than 3 layers of instruments should be cleaned at a time. If using cassettes, load instruments into cassette and place cassettes into cassette rack. Whether cleaning loose instruments or using cassettes, do not rest items on the bottom of the tank.
- Carefully lower the basket or rack into the ultrasonic cleaner and place cover over the tank. Set cleaning cycle on the timer and begin cleaning instruments.
- Loose instruments should be cleaned for 6-12 minutes. Cassette cleaning cycle is 20 – 30 minutes. Consult the IFU for the ultrasonic cleaning solution. Some solutions have a minimum contact time for cleaning. Debris that has been allowed to dry on an instrument may extend the required cleaning cycle.
- Remove basket/rack from the ultrasonic and inspect for debris on the instruments. Repeat cleaning if needed.
- Rinse solution off the instruments with running water from the sink.
- Dry instruments and prepare for sterilization.
End of Day:
- Drain ultrasonic tank and rinse with water to remove residual detergents and debris.
- If necessary, a mild, non-abrasive, non-acidic household cleaner may be used to wipe down the tank and exterior of the ultrasonic cleaner
Miscellaneous: Foil test / test strip - Possible need to change solution mid-day